Hubby and Me

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Thank goodness the weather has finally cooled down a little, only mid 80's. Still too hot for me, but better than the upper 90's like we have had. Would love a couple of good thunderstorms.

Off to the garden this morning. I am sure there is corn, beans, cabbage, lettuce, broccoli, cucumbers, tomatoes and who knows what else needing something done.

Visiting teachers are coming this evening and Sarah wants stromboli. No problem. I think maybe some zucchini brownies, also.

We have been extremely busy at the dept. 4-wheeler accidents are on the rise, AGAIN. After spending two weekends down in Anderson (where they like to ride), I have decided it doesn't even look fun like when we used to ride. Too many things to go wrong.

Baby shower is coming up in about a week. We will go shopping after that to get what she may still need. John and Annie are starting to move stuff into the house. Painting is done, some furniture has been delivered and the septic finally is getting finished. So exciting for all of them.

Starting again

Starting again

John Jr, Annie, Brian, Sarah and McKayla