Hubby and Me

Thursday, March 31, 2011


I hear the birds chirping, but it sure doesn't look like spring. We had snow yesterday. Everyone knows I like the snow, but . . .I am ready to start plating stuff. John got the garden plowed and the raspberry bushes trimmed. I am so anxious to get the potatoes, onions, garlic, spinach, rhubarb and more berries planted. I am still trying to find a place to put it all. OH, I may have found a small greenhouse for sale here locally. Again. . .I have to find a place to set it. I have been wanting one so this may be the answer. Eme is growing so fast. What a cutie. She really enjoys playing with her big sister, and her Uncle John. EMG is scheduled for next week. Dr. Hargraves needs to determine nerve damage so that he can decide if he needs/wants to do surgery. Not looking forward to having neck surgery. Something about that just gives me the shivers. We will wait to see what the tests show.

Starting again

Starting again

John Jr, Annie, Brian, Sarah and McKayla