Hubby and Me

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I love thunderstorms

I got up to a nice thunderstorm this morning. I love to listen to the booming outside. Not a fan of lightening, but, that comes with the storm. My garden was in dire need of some rain. Doesn't do much for me getting some weeding done, but that is OK for today. Getting ready to go to the produce auction. Need some beets to pickle. Something keeps eating mine so it will probably be just as easy to buy some, if they are the right price.
John is off for the day and I am hoping maybe we will actually get to see each other for a couple of hours. They have been working hard on John and Annie's house. It shouldn't be long now before move in day.
Sarah has been put on a 30 day heart monitor. She keeps having 'episodes'. She just 'feels funny' as she says. It is always different. After spending a day in ER the cardiologist put her on a monitor. Apparently the heart murmur she had as a baby has opened back up. . .something common in pregnancy. I'm sure they will be keeping a closer eye on her. She only has 5 weeks before she quits work, that is a good thing.

Off to the auction.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait...I am counting down till the last day too hahaha


Starting again

Starting again

John Jr, Annie, Brian, Sarah and McKayla