Hubby and Me

Friday, May 28, 2010

Fresh fruit, awwwww

I have been picking strawberries, out of my own patch. They taste the yummiest. Not enough to make much with, but that is OK. The amish produce auctions started this week so I can gets lots of fresh stuff there. Bought enough strawberries; to eat on the way home, to make freezer jam and strawberry rhubarb jam. I just love when all the goodies start appearing in my yard. Blueberries on the bush, just waiting to ripen. The black raspberries are LOADED this year. Maybe there will be enough to make Larry a pie if he is here at the right time. We planted red raspberries, but have to wait until next year for them. The grapes are growing well, too.

The garden has all sprouted. I love being able to go out and pick fresh lettuce for a salad, or green beans to mix with a ham bone. OK, I'm making myself hungry and it isn't even breakfast time yet.

John and Annie's house got set last week, in spite of the rain and MUD. The workers have been getting the siding and drywall taken care of. It will still be a while before they move in. The stairs need put in, the water and septic have to be done, but at least there is a house on the hill.

Sarah and Brian are doing great. That little tummy is poking out more each week. I think I am going to have to make her a couple of dresses. Gonna try out the new sewing machine. It is hard to find maternity clothes and she won't wear the tight stuff. That's my girl.

Well, gonna get ready to head to the auction. I want more berries for the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I am still waiting for my jar of jam I was promised...if I quit moaning about Memorial Day falling on Monday!!!!


Starting again

Starting again

John Jr, Annie, Brian, Sarah and McKayla