Hubby and Me

Monday, May 17, 2010

Catch up time

The trip that John and Sarah took west was great. They had a good time visiting with family. While they were there Sarah felt the baby move. She was soooo excited to tell her dad.
John is still at the mine but switched jobs, kinda. He also switched crews, which meant switching shifts. He worked 12 straight before he had a day off. Finally getting adjusted. He has a couple of days off now.
Sarah had another Dr.'s appt. Everything is going well. The baby was sleeping in a little ball and was not about to move, no matter how much poking the Dr. did.
John and Annie were hoping their house would come today, but, it is raining. Probably not a good idea getting up their driveway in this kind of weather. Hopefully it will dry up and it can be delivered. Been taking lots of pictures while they have been working in the basement area.
Me, nothing much. . . going to the temple tomorrow to get some family names done. Really need that trip.
Garden is planted. Planted more grapes and some red raspberries, yum. The rain will sure help everything to grow.
Life is good. What more could I ask for. . .I have a great husband, wonderful kids with great families, and great friends.

1 comment:

Starting again

Starting again

John Jr, Annie, Brian, Sarah and McKayla