Hubby and Me

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Love the weather

I absolutely love the weather the last few days. Nice temps in the 70's. Still really dry, we desperately need rain.

A very dear friend, Mike McCann, was laid to rest last week. He will truly be missed. His wife, Jeannine, has gone west to be closer to her daughters. She, too, will be missed.

The arrival of 'baby' Martin is still looming. Sarah has an appointment today. She is hoping things are progressing. They are getting anxious to have this little one here.

I have put the canning equipment away for the season, I hope. There are plenty of jars of good stuff in the basement, just waiting to have the lids popped for dinner this winter.


  1. I wished I had see Mike McCann while I was up. I'm glad I got to see his wife, and I'm glad she's with family! Neat people!

    And would that baby hurry up already!!!! :)

  2. haha I sure wish it would too Lorrie!!!


Starting again

Starting again

John Jr, Annie, Brian, Sarah and McKayla