Hubby and Me
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Over again
The kids were fun as always. Lots of good stuff for them and their spouses, and lots of good stuff from them. We wanted them to keep it small this year, but they always seem to forget.
John's Christmas present came early this year. While we were on vacation he got a new huge jointer for the wood shop. Good thing we did. They were extra busy down there this year making gifts and stuff for the consignment shop. All those crazy cornhole games sold and they want more, go figure. Ink pens are also selling well. A lady in Barnesville is now interested in buying "wholesale" for her scrapbook/craft/sewing shop.
Santa was good to me this year (and I thought I was on the naughty list). The best present was spending the day yesterday with the family. Couldn't ask for anything better. He also brought a graphic program for my embroidery machine. Apparently I can download clip art and then edit it to suit me and it converts to a pattern I can embroider on to something. Me and computers. . .not a good mix. I got a Mossberg 410 gun. Watch out people. The girls are both excited. John got be a shaper image e-book reader (like a Kindle). Can't wait to get that going. Won't take nearly as much space as all these books.
So very glad for my family and friends and the love and support they have given me throughout the year. Let's see what the new year holds.
Monday, December 13, 2010
It's official
Well, we are getting snow. We are under a weather advisory until this evening. Snow, wind, blowing drifts, the whole nine yards. As long as the idiots stay off the roads I love it.
Emelyne got her first sitting on Santa's lap. She was adorable of course. McKayla was not able to be there unfortunately.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Winter time
I was released as the Relief Society Counselor of Homemaking last Sunday. Who knows what the Lord will have in mind for me to do next??? I have some idea, but I will wait and share that after it happens. I am still working as the Ward Emergency Preparedness Specialist, so that alone can keep me busy.
Have been baking lots of cookies for Christmas, but unless I put them in the freezer, they seem to disappear. Need to start working on the candy today. . . that is after lunch with Santa at the community center (he arrives on a fire truck), and going to Mr. and Mrs. Murray's home for a Christmas look at the train layout, refreshments and gifts. Nice of them to open their home to so many employees over the holidays. I hope others are polite enough to go and express their gratitude.
I think peanut brittle is on the agenda in the next hour.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Oh I love the snow
Saturday, November 27, 2010
I did it
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Lots going on
This is the family after her blessing. Uncle Larry and Aunt Connie had to leave early for the airport. Tom and Dottie had gone to class. I love this picture. She sure has been a blessing in our family. Granny Franny and Pap babysat the two girls over the weekend. Boy was that hard on Sarah.
I was in the bread bake-off again this year. Took 2nd place with my Italian Sausage Bread. Gotta come up with something different for next year.
How I love this time of year. I try to reflect on all the blessings that I have. Big one this year. No surgery needed. We thought I was going to need some surgery on my thyroid, but thanks to everyone for lots of prayers, no needed. Recheck everything nex year. What a relief.
I have so many things to be thankful for: My wonderful husband of 31 years, my great kids and their families, my health, my parents and siblings, my extended family, my church family, the wonderful weather we are having, a warm house and plenty of food on the table, the gospel in my life, my Savior, Jesus Christ and so many other wonderful things.
Off to get the baking done for Thanksgiving. What do I do this year?????
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Still no baby. I think it is getting close though. I have my bag packed and in the car in case I am not at home when she is ready to go.
So many things to be grateful for. The kids were all here for dinner the other night as well as a fun cornhole game afterwards. Cake and ice cream for John's mother's birthday. Just love when the kids come over.
Have I said lately how much I love my wonderful husband? No meds for me right now means he must be a saint. The things that he has to deal with. Lucky is me!!!!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Love the weather
A very dear friend, Mike McCann, was laid to rest last week. He will truly be missed. His wife, Jeannine, has gone west to be closer to her daughters. She, too, will be missed.
The arrival of 'baby' Martin is still looming. Sarah has an appointment today. She is hoping things are progressing. They are getting anxious to have this little one here.
I have put the canning equipment away for the season, I hope. There are plenty of jars of good stuff in the basement, just waiting to have the lids popped for dinner this winter.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Learning experience
OK . . .should have done this sooner. I love it. The fastbake button is great. I just made a cake in under 20 minutes. Zucchini bread is in now and the pork roast will go in last. It will all still be ready before John goes to work. . . AND. . . the best part. . .it doesn't heat up the kitchen. This is nice.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Canning almost done
Energy level is still low. We may have a couple of reasons for that. Carrying a low grade temp. . .oh what fun. Not sure what from. Thyroid is very close to not working. Have to have more testing done for that. Right now this 'old' body seems to wanting to shut down, kinda like the old car. At least it is nothing serious, so far. I look around and realize that my problems are not nearly as bad as some of those I know.
Off to work today.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
New Ride
It doesn't look much different from the old one, same color, that way everyone will still know it is me.
Been busy canning tons of stuff, and just trying to take care of myself. It has been a crazy couple of months. John and Annie are in the house, and Sarah and Brian are busy trying to prepare their house for this new little addition. Only 4 weeks to go. Time has really flown.
We went Saturday to see the B17 plane that John's dad was the radio man in during WW2. We actually got to see it take off and l and this time. What a good time for John especially.
This is the radio seat where Bob would have sat. Kinda neat.
We were glad we got to see it again. Sure was a hot day to be out on the pavement.
Off to the produce auction. Needing tomatoes for pizza sauce.
Friday, August 6, 2010
OH, what a week
Baby shower tomorrow. What fun.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Off to the garden this morning. I am sure there is corn, beans, cabbage, lettuce, broccoli, cucumbers, tomatoes and who knows what else needing something done.
Visiting teachers are coming this evening and Sarah wants stromboli. No problem. I think maybe some zucchini brownies, also.
We have been extremely busy at the dept. 4-wheeler accidents are on the rise, AGAIN. After spending two weekends down in Anderson (where they like to ride), I have decided it doesn't even look fun like when we used to ride. Too many things to go wrong.
Baby shower is coming up in about a week. We will go shopping after that to get what she may still need. John and Annie are starting to move stuff into the house. Painting is done, some furniture has been delivered and the septic finally is getting finished. So exciting for all of them.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Busy, Busy
Wednesday, hottest day of the year (98) we had a structure fire. Talk about miserable. Temperature, humidity, extra 40 lbs. of black turnout gear, and heat from the fire. . .not a good mix. Couldn't be near the fire long before having to switch out. Guys did great. No injuries, just had to keep everyone hydrated. Salvation Army canteen brought food and drinks, they are livesavers. Great departments in county to help out.
Dad's Uncle Cyril passed away on Friday. He had been bad for quite some time so this was actually a blessing. Funeral home visits will be tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I love thunderstorms
John is off for the day and I am hoping maybe we will actually get to see each other for a couple of hours. They have been working hard on John and Annie's house. It shouldn't be long now before move in day.
Sarah has been put on a 30 day heart monitor. She keeps having 'episodes'. She just 'feels funny' as she says. It is always different. After spending a day in ER the cardiologist put her on a monitor. Apparently the heart murmur she had as a baby has opened back up. . .something common in pregnancy. I'm sure they will be keeping a closer eye on her. She only has 5 weeks before she quits work, that is a good thing.
Off to the auction.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Fountain Show
Good music and lots of good company. Nice relaxing evening.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Never ending
John hauled 2 loads of scrap today. YEAH!!!!! The front of the garage area is looking better. I guess he got tires of hearing me complain. Thanks, honey.
Ate at Beallsville Diner. What good food. Salad was fantastic as well as the breadsticks. Home to pick MORE raspberries. I have been picking 1-2 qts. every evening, and I only have to walk 10 feet to do it. Yum.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Peas, Please
Rainy again today. Need to go to the Sr. Center and do blood pressures. Think I'll take the new machine. Need to go to Pearl Valley for Cheese, but that may have to wait. Have to go to the EMA office. I am helping with a mock disaster on Saturday, so I would like to be a little prepared ahead of time. Have to hit the dollar stores. Our baskets for the shelter this month are for infants/toddlers. I need to go get stuff for them. Need, Need, Need, there are lots of things I need to do, but what will I actually get done???
Have 3 skirts cut out that NEED sewed together, 2 aprons cut out that NEED sewed together, another small lap robe that I NEED to finish crocheting, let's see what else...
OH yea, I NEED a nap.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Never ask, what's next
Had lots of horrible weather over the weekend. Started Friday night with severe storms, flooding, fires, flooding, fires, flooding, and more rain thru Sunday. What a crazy time. I wish people would understand that if they live by a creek, they could get water. If the water is so high that they can't get out. . .guess what. . .I can't get to you to rescue you. DUH!!!!! One guy wanted a canoe to rescue his neighbors. Water went from a 10 foot wide creek with maybe a foot of water to 60 or more feet wide and way to much water to think about, churning and flowing too fast. No body was going to paddle anywhere in a canoe. After 5 minutes at Bendfork, they would have been in the Ohio river. Can't tell some people anything.
Sun shine today and nice out. Garden sure like the rain, but it brought out the weeds.
Produce auction tomorrow. Gotta go see what other goodies there might be.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Cherries. . .what next
Cherries are cleaned, finally. Cobbler just came out of the oven and I am trying to decide what kind of jam to make. I love when all the fruits and veggies are ready, but. . . they are so much work. Worth it in the middle of winter when you open that jar or bag of goodies.
Wonder what will be next. The raspberries are turning red, can't be too long.
Bad night last night. Storms hit. . .called out for flooding, home for 2 hours; garage fire; no sleeep. Hopefully today stays calm. More rain in the forecast, hopefully not a lot.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Off to work
We got a lot done outside yesterday. Worked in the garden, and with all the other "stuff" we have planted, lately. Picked more strawberries. The pie tasted so much better since they were from my own garden.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Heading out to pick some strawberries again this morning. Made jam last night. Lots of laundry to do today before work tomorrow. YUCK!!! Some chores seem never ending. OH well, I'm just glad that I am able bodied enough to do those chores. Even with the little aches and pains following, it is still a blessing.
Need to go to Pearl Valley for cheese. Have to look at the calendar and see when I can fit that into this crazy life.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
And the Winner is . . .
What can I say. It is me. John said it had to be a loaf of bread. So I added the noodles that I made oodles of on Wednesday, and fresh strawberries picked yesterday (early) morning from an amish farm. How much better can it get. Everyone at the race wanted to eat my car. It was absolutely one of a kind.
Getting ready for church then Ryan's college graduation party. Busy weekend. Hopefully no more squad calls.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Fresh fruit, awwwww
The garden has all sprouted. I love being able to go out and pick fresh lettuce for a salad, or green beans to mix with a ham bone. OK, I'm making myself hungry and it isn't even breakfast time yet.
John and Annie's house got set last week, in spite of the rain and MUD. The workers have been getting the siding and drywall taken care of. It will still be a while before they move in. The stairs need put in, the water and septic have to be done, but at least there is a house on the hill.
Sarah and Brian are doing great. That little tummy is poking out more each week. I think I am going to have to make her a couple of dresses. Gonna try out the new sewing machine. It is hard to find maternity clothes and she won't wear the tight stuff. That's my girl.
Well, gonna get ready to head to the auction. I want more berries for the weekend.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Catch up time
John is still at the mine but switched jobs, kinda. He also switched crews, which meant switching shifts. He worked 12 straight before he had a day off. Finally getting adjusted. He has a couple of days off now.
Sarah had another Dr.'s appt. Everything is going well. The baby was sleeping in a little ball and was not about to move, no matter how much poking the Dr. did.
John and Annie were hoping their house would come today, but, it is raining. Probably not a good idea getting up their driveway in this kind of weather. Hopefully it will dry up and it can be delivered. Been taking lots of pictures while they have been working in the basement area.
Me, nothing much. . . going to the temple tomorrow to get some family names done. Really need that trip.
Garden is planted. Planted more grapes and some red raspberries, yum. The rain will sure help everything to grow.
Life is good. What more could I ask for. . .I have a great husband, wonderful kids with great families, and great friends.
Friday, April 23, 2010
It's quiet
This week the Relief Society worked on another service project. We have 'adopted' the local domestic violence/sexual assault women's shelter. After talking with one of the ladies at length, I found out that they get plenty of donations for the women. . .but lack items for the kids that come in with the women. So, we are working on providing some of the things that they would miss from home. This month we worked on boxes for 4-9 year olds. The ladies hit the dollar stores and went crazy. Toys, socks, underwear, coloring books, puzzles, bubble bath, you name it we bought it. I took a car load over to them on Wednesday. They are so appreciative. We are doing 10-18 year olds this month. What fun. What joy it brings to our hearts to be able to help those children who may have left their homes in the middle of the night, with nothing.
It is only 5 in the morning, but I can't sleep, so, off to do some cleaning before running errands.
Monday, April 19, 2010
The footer is poured for John and Annie's house. They are supposed to start laying the block foundation today. The kids are really excited. I got Annie a windmill at an auction on Saturday. There is plenty of wind on their hill, shame they can't put it too good use.
Starting to pack John's bag. He and Sarah leave on Wednesday to go to Washington to see his brother and sister-in-law. They are all so excited. This will probably be Sarah's last trip for a while. Glad he is going, but hate to have him gone.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Spring is here, maybe
Had a great Easter with the family. Not sure who had the most fun the little kids, or the big kids. The 'big' kids. . .John, Annie, Sarah, Brian, April all had their own easter egg hunt. Talk about funny. The pregnant girl can run =) The found money, jewelry and candy in their eggs. It even took them longer.
Please pray for the coal miners and families affected by the explosion in West Virginia. It may be hours away, but it is still one big family when you work the mine business. Hard to watch the telecasts and hard not to watch. I always know that there is a chance of misfortune, but I know that John enjoys what he does. He could have just as easily been hit with a car, while out on the road for the insurance company.
Back outside to take down clothes and clean the yard. . .getting ready to mow the grass. YUCK!!!!!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Rain, Rain, Go AWAY!!!
We have two more fish fries at the station and then we are done, I think. People are asking us to continue as least once a month. We have had tons of help and we usually have a good time while we are there. Problem is. . . we have the spring auction coming up and that will take lots of time and energy. We'll see.
Hot cookies coming out of the oven as John comes home from work. Sure smells good in here. Now time for a nap.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Lots of news
What do you get a "50" year old man who doesn't need anything? One that is in his second childhood. Well . .
You get him something he never has had . . . a video game. The kids got him extra controllers, a fishing game, rock band and others.
We all met at Pizza Hut to surprise him. He had had a long day. He finished up on afternoon shift Saturday at 3:00 am, showered, met Dad at 4:00 am and spent the day at the auction in Kidron, then home to a surprise.
Birthday pair. Hey, I'm gonna be a Grandma!!!
They have always had fun celebrating the special days together. Used to go out on Daddy/Daughter nights, but schedules are crazy anymore.
John Jr. turned (on the lathe) Sarah a beautiful bowl for her birthday.
Turning bowls is the new thing, along with the ink pens. Selling some lately.
Last night was the RS Birthday Dinner. I made 30 aprons and gave each of the women there one. We had dinner (Lorrie's best recipes); poppyseed chicken over rice, apple viniagrette salad, fruit delight and birthday cake. Can't get much better.
What a great family I have.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Thank goodness I can do my regular activities, for the most part. No heavy lifting. Keep arm close to the body, and don't over do. Yet right, does he know who he is talking to. We will wait for the rest of the results and go from there.
Mitchell is in the big OVAC wrestling meet this weekend. So far he is doing very well. He called me last night to tell me he had won, but . . . they think he pulled a groin muscle or has a hernia. He got checked out and wrestled once this morning. He is still winning. If he wins tonight he is guaranteed to place in the tournament. This thing is huge. It is held at the civic center in Wheeling. Tons of schools participate. Wishing him good luck.
Time to start some supper. I started the most of it early this morning because I wasn't sure if I would have restrictions from the Dr.
Thank goodness I have a great husband who is willing to help. . .if I ask.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Let it snow, snow, snow
The snow is piling up outside and looks beautiful. John, of course, is ready for spring and warmer weather to be here. Me, I love the snow. I love the cooler, not necessarily the COLDER weather.
A lot of inside projects are getting completed. The cupboards are back around the fridge, the floor is done, and he has been working on more pens/pencils. The pens are his relaxation. They are having a lot of fun designing. They just have to find someplace to market them, instead of relying on word of mouth.
I have been working on some crocheting projects and of course, spending lots of time in the kitchen. Hard to do some of this when I am supposed to wear this stupid sling for 3 hours at a stretch. Most days I just toss it on the table. I know by evening when that was a bad idea. Still a couple more weeks before the appointment with the orthopedist.
Whereever you are, stay warm and toasty.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
quiet again . . . new floor
The guys
Starting again

John Jr, Annie, Brian, Sarah and McKayla